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Fiber Inspection Probe without Display AFL FOCIS FLEX

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Specified or equivalent product

Fiber Inspection Probe without Display

Product group code: 1435360


FOCIS Flex makes connector inspection simple, fast, and convenient. With the press of a single button, FOCIS Flex auto-focuses, captures and centers the end-face image, applies Pass/Fail rules, displays image and Pass/Fail results, saves results internally and/or wirelessly transfers data to a paired FlexScan OTDR or a smart device. It is fast, small, and easy to use to enable 100% connector inspection.

Price, VAT
90,20 € 113,20 € / day
707,18 € 887,51 € / month
Price includes Ramiturva service
You can see your contract prices in RamiSmart

Drive or power source Battery
Pass fail kyllä
Weight 1 kg
Length 200 mm
Width 100 mm
Height 70 mm

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